
Have you ever wanted to capture a photo while casually surfing the web on your iPhone without anyone noticing? You probably already found out that Apple does not allow recording videos while browsing on Safari. But, with the right tool, it’s not only possible but surprisingly easy.

In this guide, we’ll explore the secrets of recording video discreetly while browsing the web on your iPhone. So, grab your device, and let’s dive into the world of hidden camera photography.

Getting Started with SpyCamera Pro

When it comes to spy cameras, discretion is key. We understood this necessity and built the SpyCamera Pro app to offer an easy-to-use solution. Whether you’re checking out websites, watching videos, or just scrolling through your socials, SpyCamera Pro lets you record videos without anyone suspecting a thing.

To begin your journey into discreet video recording, head to the App Store and download SpyCamera Pro. Once installed, open the app and make sure you are in the right recording mode (tap Photo or Video depending on your preferences). Now, tap on the ‘Browser’ button in the menu on the left. By default, this will open a web view with as the default homepage.

As you may have noticed, a translucent black button is shown in the bottom right of the screen. This is the shutter button which you can start recording a video with. Simply press it to start recording and press it again to stop recording. When recording a video, the button will turn slightly red. In the mean time, you can navigate to your favourite website by searching for it on Google. Videos are automatically saved to your iPhone’s gallery when you finish recording.

SpyCamera Pro's hidden camera browser showing the X website.
SpyCamera Pro's hidden camera browser. You can browse any website such as X, Facebook or Instagram while recording a video or capturing a photo.

Customizing the Web Browser

By pressing Close in the top left, you can go back to SpyCamera Pro’s viewfinder. Press the Settings button in the left to open the settings. Tap on Browser to view all browser settings. In this view, you can customize the following:
  • The default website that is opened (such as
  • Light or dark mode
  • The position of the hidden shutter button (left or right)
  • The size of the hidden shutter button (small, medium or large)
  • The transparency of the hidden shutter button
As you browse the web, SpyCamera Pro allows you to capture any moment effortlessly with a discreet tap on the screen to initiate the recording.
Customizing the hidden camera browser in SpyCamera Pro.
The hidden camera browser in SpyCamera Pro can be fully customized in the settings.


Although Apple does not allow recording a video while browsing the web, there is a third-party app available that brings this functionality to your phone. Download the SpyCamera Pro app now from the App Store and start recording secret videos while browsing the web. Now that you know how to record videos while browsing the web, don’t forget to check out how to record videos while your iPhone is locked.

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